However, if you do decide to give your hamster a little taste of it, proceed with caution as a little too much can cause your pawbaby to suffer chronic health problems that might even lead to death. You would be wash vegatables and fruits to remove pesticides and cut them up stay away from choking. If you plan to get yourself a cute and lovely pet that will always welcome you with joy, hamster is an ideal choice for you. Hamster loves to play and cuddle and can be a good choice for people who love animals, but don’t have enough space for more demanding pets. Ultimately, chocolate is perfectly safe, however many owners still feel an initial knee-jerk reaction. Citrus Foods - Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Pineapple. Mixtures usually contain flax, sesame, wheat, sunflower, pumpkin seeds and corn kernels. Place Seeds on Sheet. Place everything—pulp and all—in a large bowl. But also a sheet pan, plus olive oil … Sesame seeds. Step 1, Preheat oven to 375° F (190° C).Step 2, Separate any pumpkin seeds from the pumpkin flesh. Based on research, avocado flesh is safe for your hamster, but not the pit or the skin. Steer clear of any spicy foods such as bell peppers. 7. Sweet Potato - This can be served to your hamster but they have to be COOKED before being served! However, bitter almonds in large amounts are unsafe for human consumption, and for hamsters, a single kernel can be considered lethal (contains chemicals that breaks down to cyanide). One should never feed a hamster raw meat or raw eggs as they contain high levels of bacteria and parasites that can be deadly to them. This little rodent has become extremely popular as a pet in many households. Additional foods (that aren’t pellets) like cereals, grains, fruits, vegetables, and meats should produce no an estimated 10% of the hamster’s diet and must be rotated. In general, the most popular choice of seeds when it comes to hamsters are sunflower and pumpkin seeds. retrieved from,, Pets on Mom.Me (n.d) Can Hamsters Eat Oranges? Keep to small amounts once in a while. Those fleshy … 10 Ways to Stop Fleas from Biting Your Cat, Cat Fun and Fails – Funny Cats Videos 2021, Cute is Not Enough ♡ Best Funny Cats and Dogs 2020 #115, Monster School : HEROBRINE LIFE – Minecraft Animation, Hamster Care 101: How to Care For Your Hamster. [Hamster Diet Pt 4] Hamster Fresh Food Guide! For the last part of our 4 part series, we’ll be diving into the world of fresh foods! While some people might enjoy eating the entire seed with the shell, we think the greenish, meatier inside (pictured above) is more flavorful and works better with these recipes. 1. An average portion size for these other foods is just about the small cube about taken into account two raisins, and the normal portion of dried pellet food associated with tablespoon per hamster. The almonds to avoid are bitter almonds are rounder with a distinctive sweet scent. NOTE: Fresh fruit should be given as an occasional treat, to avoid potential diarrhoea, as well as reduce the risk of diabetes, especially for dwarf hybrid hamsters. However, do take note that nuts are high in calories and fat content. Citrus foods are sour due to the high levels of acidity in it. Some hamsters really enjoy pumpkin seeds. Raw potatoes cannot be fed to hamsters! Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius). In the wild, hamsters eat diverse seeds, plant roots and even insects. Hamsters are omnivores (they eat both plants and meat) that forage (they travel for their food). Running wheel can be a great source of entertainment and activity for most of the hamsters. Add your dry pumpkin seeds to a rimmed baking sheet, then toss with a few tablespoons of olive oil, a pinch of kosher salt, and two teaspo… Toss the drained seeds with a little oil, some seasoning and spread evenly across a large baking sheet Roast the seeds at 180C/gas 4 for about 8-10 minutes. I used a pumpkin scraper which makes the job much easier, but it’s not necessary. One of the things that hamsters do best (besides running on wheels) is knawing. They can choke on them. Although Iceberg Lettuce is one of the “safe” greens for your hamster, it is not recommended as it has little nutrition value, and the high water content can cause diarrhea. Carrots, Grapes, Tomatoes, and More retrieved from,, Pet Central (n.d) What Can Hamsters Eat? Roasted pumpkin seeds are an excellent fall snack—much healthier alternative to the usual sweets of the season! Wash them well (usually putting then in a big bowl of water and rubbing them between your hands is a fast way to clean them) and let them drain in a strainer for about 30 minutes, then spread them out on … In addition to their indisputable nutritional value, fresh treats are also 100% natural, readily available and very economical. However, fresh foods should be provided only occasionally as special treats for your hamster, and only in small amounts each time. They are commonly found in Chinese medicine shops and are also used in perfumes. Baby hamsters are called pups, consequently they drink their mother’s milk until considerable about 3-4 weeks older. Many brands of commercial hamster food contains pumpkin seeds. Shelled nuts can provide enrichment and play time, with your hamster working out for it’s rewards. Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, are the edible seeds of a pumpkin. And no, hamsters won't choke on the seeds (unless they are like my youngest and talk with food in their mouth!). Using a sharp, sturdy knife, cut around the top of the pumpkin and remove the “lid.” (For more tips on this, see our guide to how to carve a pumpkin .) If not, always wash the wax off with warm water or carefully wash the skin of the fruit (if edible). Pretty sure that you can give them to them - I'm not sure if they need to be washed, as they are direct from the pumpkin its self, maybe just get the gunk off them and leave them to dry out a bit. Separate the seeds from each other, taking care not to let them clump or touch. It also contains unsaturated fats and iron. Sunflower seeds are one of the most important sources for all the necessary vitamins and fats a healthy hamster diet should contain. Using a large spoon, scrape the sides of the pumpkin to remove the seeds and pulp. As with all other rodents, hamsters … Since hamsters are active during the night, you should provide it a cage big enough to run and toys to play. Cooked Chicken Breast (Or freeze dried ones from the pet shop), Eggs - Boiled (feed whites) or scrambled with no oil/milk, Tofu (If you’re worried, blanch it in hot water for 10 seconds before feeding your pet, a recommended serving of one teaspoon a day would be good enough). As you can see, pumpkin seeds are included in regular diet plans for hamsters. Fruits are also high in vitamins, fiber and water content that can be beneficial for your pawbaby! Peanuts (ideally raw and in shell, hamsters love it as a chew), Walnuts (if with shell, drill a hole for hamster). Place some of the seeds and membrane in a colander and separate them while running cold tap water over them. A tablespoon of hamster ready-made mixture per day will be sufficient. Even though you may hear of people feeding seeds, rabbits should never try any kind of seed in it’s raw or cooked form. However, pumpkin seeds alone should never be used as a staple food. Some pets are extremely picky and they could even choose a particular type of seeds from the mixture. Their diet mainly consists of seeds and grains you can purchase in any pet store. Some that are more commonly fed to hamsters include: dandelion leaves and flowers, hawthorn leaves. Some hamsters really enjoy pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin Seeds. Roast Pumpkin Seeds are a tasty and healthy snack that you can easily make at home with the seeds from your Halloween pumpkin. Some pets are extremely picky and they could even choose a particular type of seeds from the mixture. The pumpkin itself is a cultivar of a squash plant and is round, with a smooth and slightly ribbed skin with deep yellow to orange coloring. Rinse in a bowl of water. Scrape the seeds from your pumpkin with a wide, flat spoon. Always remember to provide your hamster with your standard or unique food mix you’ve created on top of these yummy treats to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet for a healthy hammy! Those mixtures are formulated according to those little rodents’ nutritional needs and they meet their daily requirements. Mixtures usually contain flax, sesame, wheat, sunflower, pumpkin seeds and corn kernels. Whether you carve one pumpkin for a Halloween Jack-o-lantern, use a few for festive fall decorations around your home, or stew several for pies, muffins, and other treats, don't let the seeds go to waste.With hundreds, even thousands, of seeds available from just a few pumpkins, it is easy to offer pumpkin seeds for birds at your feeders. They are perfect vitamin boosts and excellent supplements to your hamster’s diet. [Hamster Diet pt 3] Recommended Hamster Food in Singapore. Then they can start to be weaned onto solid food such as bread or cooked vegetables. Think: pumpkin seed muffins, cookies, peanut butter cups, and… drum roll, please… pumpkin bread with pumpkin seeds. Just as is the case for humans, sugar and salt can cause a host of health issues, including obesity and tooth decay. retrieved from,, Hamsterific (n.d) Acceptable Hamster Food List retrieved from,, Hamsters 101 (n.d) 14 Foods That Are Dangerous to Hamsters retrieved from,, Ontario Hamster Club (n.d) Safe & Unsafe Foods retrieved from,, Pets on Mom.Me (n.d) Hamsters & Almonds retrieved from,, Pet Pad (2019, Apr 12) Can Hamsters Eat Apples & Their Skin & Seeds? Pumpkin seeds for hamsters As you can see, pumpkin seeds are included in regular diet plans for hamsters. Once the seeds are dry, store pumpkin seed for planting in an envelope. 2.Next, place both halves cut side down on an aluminum foil lined baking sheet and place in a preheated oven for about an hour or until soft. This pumpkin is ready to have its seeds removed. Feeding your hamster one nut a day or one every two to three days is recommended, as overfeeding them nuts can lead to obesity . How to roast pumpkin seeds (or any squash seeds) without a recipe: What you'll need: Pumpkin or squash seeds, of course! Spread them on a baking sheet, and … However, pumpkin seeds alone should never be used … If they have a negative reaction to it, stop feeding it immediately and remove it from their diet. Commercial mixed seeds are the best choice as a base of every hamster specie diet. Hamsters also practice food caching (also known as hoarding), it is therefore important produce your hamster with lots of hiding places to store food. As you can see, pumpkin seeds are included in regular diet plans for hamsters. While hamsters will eat almost anything, they should eat and drink a diet of pellets that is marginally supplemented with cereals, grains, fruits, vegetables, and meats. Unflavoured Popcorn . Therefore, you could feed it pumpkin seeds with extreme caution and in moderation. These are too abrasive and acidic for your hamster’s delicate digestive tracts. Since hamsters are crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk), they’ll often eat during these times. Hamsters are nocturnal creatures, so your new friend would sleep the sleep of the righteous, while you do your daily appointments. If you are unsure if a snack or treat is unsafe for your hamster, always go through the ingredients carefully. Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, are actually covered by a fibrous shell (the large white things you find inside your pumpkins). Hamsters are a huge fan of salads and will love the fresh greens provided, and will welcome it as a juicy supplement to their dry mix. To make sweetly flavored pumpkin seeds, mix together one egg white, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract, one-third cup of sugar, and one teaspoon of ground cinnamon. It is important to note that most animal protein foods have to be COOKED before being served to your hamster. Observe your hamster closely when introducing them to new types of fresh foods. Step 1 - Clean the seeds. 2 Spread pumpkin seeds in an even layer on a baking sheet. You should be particularly cautious if you have smaller specie of hamster. This will help remove any unsafe traces of pesticides or chemicals. The hamsters knaw off the outer shell of the seed, and then eat the softer seed inside. The Spruce / Ana Cadena. That is why it is important to always determine if there are hidden salt and sugars in your hamster’s treats, such as sucrose, glucose, fructose! Before you roast the seeds, you need to dry them: If you’re scooping out a pumpkin, separate the seeds from the pumpkin flesh. Eventually, they will eat pellet food like adult hamsters might. yes, hamsters can eat pumpkin seeds. What about the seeds, plants or cooked pumpkin? 8. Simply follow our recommended list of green leafy vegetables which are safe and nutritious and you won’t have to worry about watery stools! Some foods listed can be deadly to your hamster, or prove to be more harmful than beneficial to your hamster. Re: Pumpkin seeds I give my hams pumpkin seeds, but they are prepacked from a helath food shop. The recommended serving for fresh foods (listed below) is not more than two servings per day, one fruit/veggie and one protein/other per day, especially for smaller breeds of hamsters such as winter white, dwarves and robos. Once all of the pumpkin seeds are clean, place them on the lined cookie sheet in a single layer. Avocados have a very high fat content, so feed it to your hamster in moderation only. Fatty meats are also discouraged as it is not a natural food for hamsters. Nuts make super fun treats for your hamsters! Always remove the seeds before feeding any to your hamster. [1] X Research sourceStep 3, If you choose to, clean the outer shell of the pumpkin seeds. In fact, these seeds do have a choking hazard for our guinea pigs. Hamsters can also snack on plants & flowers but always make sure that they are safe before feeding them to your pet. Obesity is dangerous to every living creature, especially for such a small body like hamster’s. Hamsters can also snack on plants & flowers but always make sure that they are safe before feeding them to your pet. The best way to do this is by hand, or perhaps by using an old (cleaned) comb that you wouldn't mind getting dirty. … Many (but not all) seeds, skins, and pits are also bad for them, faster in doubt, remove some of these. Stick to organic or unwaxed fruits. Contact: Preheat your oven to 325° F with a rack in the middle. Furthermore, the nutritional value of bell peppers is minimal at best, so avoid them as far as possible. I’ve always wanted to try roasting pumpkin seeds, but somehow I’ve never quite got round to it. Mixtures usually contain flax, sesame, wheat, sunflower, pumpkin seeds and corn kernels. Now try pumpkin seed butter. Should you want to feed your hamster some avocado, carefully remove the flesh and ensure there are no traces of the pit or skin on it. Never feel stumped on how to use pumpkin seeds again, and let these genius recipes inspire even more cozy autumn concoctions. They are prepared of appropriate proportion of larger and smaller seeds with pellets and grains. It is not demanding like some bigger animals, such as dogs or cats. Cut the pumpkin in half, from top to bottom (not side to side), then remove the seeds and stringy bits (keep the seeds to toast, if desired). Mixtures usually contain flax, sesame, wheat, sunflower, pumpkin seeds and corn kernels. You should also give your pet some vegetable and fruit, every third day. Drizzle the seeds with … Would love your thoughts, please comment. Hamsters are small and they don’t need a lot of food. Any fresh food must be introduced very gradually, as sudden large portions is likely to upset their digestive system. Especially if your hamster is young, they require a higher level of protein compared to an adult hamster (As per Pipsqueakery, <6mth 19-20%, 6-18mth 17-18%, >18mth 15%) . Onions contains N-propyl disulfide, a substance that can affect the red blood cells of a hamster. The insides are fine for them but pay attention to the seeds. Properly Store Pumpkin Seeds for Planting. Supplying the pet hamster finest meals mix is the most critical point to retain it content and healthful. Below are lists of different categories of fresh foods to try with your hamster, and tips on how to prepare them. You’ve tried almond butter, sunflower seed butter and all other kinds of nut butters. Bear in mind that just like you, your hamster will have preferences when it comes to food and may like some better than others. There has been word going around that almonds are not safe for a hamster’s consumption. Here’s a idea to bring autumn to your cheese and fruit plate. Several servings of raw food a week will improve their digestion and prevent constipation and obesity. Berries - Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Cranberries, Elderberries, Tomatoes (To be fed when ripe without stem or leaves). Edit (27 October 2019): Fruits are okay as occasional treats for all hamsters, both Syrians and Dwarves. Your hamster’s stomach cannot handle acid, and it can lead to uncomfortable stomach problems and diarrhea for your hamster. Add pumpkin seeds to your cheese plate. When saving pumpkin seeds, store them so they will be ready to plant for next year. Cash by putting food in their cheek pouches (which are pockets just behind their front teeth that can stretch behind their shoulders) and then storing the food when they find a suitable spot. So can hamsters eat pumpkin at all? Walnuts (if with shell, drill a hole for hamster) Pine nuts. Hamster would certainly win your heart with its intelligence, cuteness and wits. It is recommended to get organic plants and flowers as your normal flora from your florist might contain dangerous traces of pesticides! They knaw for excitement, they knaw for a purpose. Serve with sliced pears, dried apricots and figs. Whether you enjoy them raw or in the form of pumpkin seed oil, they … Tomatoes (Stalk & Leaves removed as they are toxic to hamsters!). Use a large metal kitchen spoon to gently scrape the insides of the pumpkin. In addition, it will keep your pet fit and healthy, since hamsters tend to obesity. Scoop Out the Pumpkin Guts. Thus, avoid citrus foods or fruits that can be too acidic and sour. However, you can pick to feed your hamster at any time if you’re consistent their own schedule. Never leave uneaten food for over 24 hours because rrt’s going to rot, and provide freshwater daily towards your hamster. Any seeds, pumpkin or otherwise, will store best if you keep them somewhere cold and dry. Beyond the Treat (n.d) Can Hamsters Eat Peppers? Generally, when fresh seeds are taken out of the pumpkin, a person rinses and roasts seeds to make it edible. Spending some time in its company would certainly be more interesting then watching television or else. But no worries, questions will be answered in our Hamster Fresh Foods guide. Soybeans. They tend to get overweight and develop diabetes more easily. Seeds can block the trachea tract, or get stuck in their teeth. You can also mix them yourself. Did you know that hamsters are omnivorous? The almonds we, humans, consume are known as sweet almonds (usually sold unblanched with brown skins intact). Try making pumpkin seed butter. To get started, here's our simple roasting procedure: 1. Cut to remove any seeds, stems or leaves that may be harmful. Since the active ingredient in chocolate (theobromine) is toxic to dogs, many pawrents feel uneasy giving it to their hamsters, even though hamsters present no adverse reactions to theobromine. No, guinea pigs cannot eat pumpkin seeds at all. Pumpkin seeds contain many beneficial nutrients for hamsters, just like sunflower seeds. retrieved from,, Pet Web Site (n.d) Feeding Hamsters Plants & Flowers retrieved from,, Small Angels Resuce (n.d) Hamster Care Information retrieved from,, The Animal Files (n.d) Feeding your Hamster retrieved from,, Copyright © 2019 Hamster Society (Singapore). (Tip: It’s easier to separate the seeds while the flesh is still moist.) Some pets are extremely picky and they could even choose a particular type of seeds from the mixture. They are good to your pet’s health, but only given as treats. Caring for the pumpkins when they’re in the ground can be a time-intensive process, but as long as you set a routine, there will be big orange gourds in … How to cook pumpkin seeds Boil some salted water in a large saucepan, add the cleaned seeds and boil for 5-10 minutes depending on the size, then drain on a kitchen towel. Shutterstock 2. Spicy foods and vegetables are unsafe for your hamster and can cause serious complications! Let’s take a look its nutritional data and find out more. Plants & Flowers. Filled with vitamins and fiber, and very hydrating, they make fantastic hamster snacks! Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of health benefits like protein. As a pawrent, this might be the common questions you ask, especially if it’s your first time with your pawbaby! Pumpkin seeds are round and semi-hard. Also, some foods can be harmful for hamsters such as citrus fruits, onions, eggplants, or sweet. Use the comb to separate the pumpkin seeds from the fibrous, fleshy parts. They are usually more prone to obesity than the larger ones. This will help them dry thoroughly on all sides. Feeding them high quantities of fatty meats can increase the risk of obesity, heart, liver or kidney diseases. The next time you’re scooping pumpkins for a jack-o'-lantern, don’t toss the seeds! They are prepared of appropriate proportion of larger and smaller seeds with pellets and grains. HOW TO ROAST PUMPKIN SEEDS. You should feed hamsters pellet food over muesli food so that they have a far more nutritionally balanced diet. Pull away the strings of flesh and rinse the seeds clean. Feeding hamster is very simple. Pumpkin seeds for hamsters As you can see, pumpkin seeds are included in regular diet plans for hamsters. Chocolate is a very contested topic in small pet communities. It goes without saying that if the sugar or salt content is high, do not feed it to your hamster! You can feed your hamster meat proteins to help with their growth and development. Pumpkin seeds for hamsters. When you are carving your pumpkin, separate the seeds from the pumpkin flesh and strings (which kids usually call "pumpkin brains" or "pumpkin guts"; see this page for that!. Seeds are not recommended in pellets either. They are longer, and well, almond-shaped, and safe for both human and hamster consumption. Seeds are known to be choking hazards for hamsters, and some kinds, such as apple seeds, even contain chemicals that can potentially be lethal to your hamster! So let’s locate out all facts about Hamster Diet plan. They are prepared of appropriate proportion of larger and smaller seeds with pellets and grains. Some hamsters really enjoy pumpkin seeds. Here’s a recommended list of nutritious greens: Corn or Baby Corn (Did you know that even fresh plain popcorn without butter and salt are actually one of a hamster’s favourite snacks?). However, sweet citrus fruits are safe in small amounts. Human fresh foods are generally safe for hamsters, Introduce fresh foods only in moderate amounts, As a rule, avoid anything with high salt or spice content. Some pets are extremely picky and they could even choose a particular type of seeds from the mixture. Toss the pumpkin seeds in this mixture until they are evenly coated. Within its thick skin, lies pulp and in the center, a large collection of seeds. Due to its fat content, eating too much of it could make your pet obese and unhealthy. retrieved from,, Pet MD (n.d) What Can Hamsters Eat? Listed below are some protein rich foods that you can feed your hamster. Top a wheel of brie with pumpkin seeds. Thus, we strongly warn against feeding your hamsters these foods. When you return home in the evening, let it out of the cage and enjoy some time playing with it. Hamsters love to hide and hoard their food, and since fresh foods decay rapidly in our tropical climate, thus, always remove any uneaten pieces of fresh foods on the same day you provided them, and do a check of their food stash for fresh items. If you have been thinking about it but didn’t know how to start then follow these easy steps. Before you plant pumpkin seeds, keep in mind that you’ll need plenty of room in your backyard to space out the seeds, so aspiring pumpkin growers who lack substantial outdoor space might want to stick to the pumpkin patch or store. Cut into hamster appropriate sizes for serving! Not how to prepare pumpkin seeds for hamsters also, some foods can be served to your hamster, and safe for your!. To bring autumn to your hamster closely when introducing them to your hamster from choking deadly to pet... 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